The Z Angle Unison Connector

Form is the combination of string, fret and finger. In other words, form means: on any string, find the fret of any of the 21 "music" letter symbols, and place the indicated finger on that fret. The following illustrates the string and fret locations of the 21 letter symbols (7 natural: A B C D E F G, 7 sharp: A♯ B♯ C♯ D♯ E♯ F♯ G♯, and 7 flat: A♭ B♭ C♭ D♭ E♭ F♭ G♭), on the 4 string bass.

Form "circle four-two" C major scale means: on string 4, place your left hand finger 2, on fret 8.
This creates the C major scale finger pattern.

There are 11 scale degree tonenumbers (sounds) in the above major scale finger pattern. The following illustrates these 11 tones as the major scale tone pattern. The diagonal line from tone 1 to tone 8 indicates one octave. Remember, you may move this tone pattern to any letter’s fret, and the tone pattern will remain the same.

There are seven forms of vertical major scale tone patterns on the 4 string bass. The following illustrates these seven forms as the C major scale. Tones underlined are lower in pitch than tone 1.

None of the seven major scale forms contain a complete two octave major scale. However, by “connecting” two major scale forms with the "Z angle", in this case, the and G major scale, a two octave major scale tone pattern may easily be created. Notice the unison tone 8 diagonal connector.

Till next time, have some parabolic fun, no matter what key you’re in or direction you’re headed. I’m listening and I’m here for you...

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