Bass Truth Intermediate Lessons

1. 12 Sounds, 21 Symbols and 15 Keys Mike explains why there are only 15 “traditional”major scales, in 15 major keys, with 15 major key signatures.
2. Sign Before Symbol Mike explores the similarities and differences between sign and symbol so that you may play with speed and clarity.
3. What a Coincidence: Unison Tuning Mike unfolds the absolute, perfect and relative tuning process of the 4 string bass.
4. All The Chords I Needed To Know, I Learned At My First Lesson Mike enfolds five movable major chord forms into one holistic fretboard.
5. The Whole Truth About Bass TAB Mike clarifies TAB notation and then illustrates its complete structure.
6. Mother Nature + Father Time = Rhythm Mike shows what happens when Mother Nature and Father Time get together.