Bass Truth Proficient Lessons

Tonal Center Modulation Mike teaches you to identify a song’s “changing keys” by the harmony progression.
Bass Harmonic Numerics Mike presents important insights into the creation of "harmony numerals" which guarantees harmonic success in all keys.
Bass Patterns: In and Out of Sync Mike delivers 12 essential 12 bar bass patterns - plus a bonus bass line from the genius of Ray Charles.
Natural Fun Outside the Box Mike explains how to play in "extended" position on a 4, 5 or 6 string bass.
How to Make a Short Song Long Mike introduces music's most common "signs of direction" - the repeat signs.
Major Scale Harmony Spelling Mike shows how to spell 49 different harmonies with only seven major scale letters.
Music Math:2 + 2 = 3! Mike explores the mysteries of "music math" and discovers the basis of all harmony - nine triads.